Site Rules Please ensure all guests follow our rules below. Our security will remind guests that we are based in a residential/Nature reserve area. We will not tolerate any kind of anti-social behaviour- You will risk losing your deposit should anyone act in appropriately.- please relay the site rules to your guests. By booking the venue you agree to acting in accordance with our terms listed below.
Given the nature of our location we please urge all patrons to respect our Neighbours on entry and exit of the premises. Revving cars and horning and creating a general nuisance will be deemed to be unacceptable behaviour- you will lose your deposit and risk your event being terminated.
1. NO cars on grass what so ever- in wet conditions no access is allowed on the cricket field. No access is allowed on the cricket square. Patrons are reminded not to touch any cricket equipment please.- Our security will remind guests about our policy.
2. You must make provisions to take away rubbish at the end—we can take 2 bags. This is not applicable if dishes and cutlery are ordered. We reserve the right to remove all your rubbish if there is an excessive amount. There is a £50 clear up charge- We do not expect you to brush/mop up but do expect the majority of cleaning to be done- tables cleared etc.
3. All vendors i.e. caterers, décor also need to remove all their items at the end of your event- we will not allow items to be left overnight- unless pre-arranged with us. This includes catering pots etc.
4. NO fireworks whatsoever. If fireworks are let off we reserve the right to terminate the event immediately-
5. NO Smoke grenades allowed- This negatively affects the wildlife in the area 6. Dhol playing, Live music is not permitted-
6. Cricket is played on weekends and occasionally midweek- they have their own on site facilities- they will not encroach your event, the hall or marquee. There will be additional cars in the car park- The car park will be cordoned off for event/cricket parking. >
7. No confetti or party cannons in marquee or on grass >
8. No Dj’s or external Audio equipment allowed on site. We have an inbuilt 8 speaker surround sound system with microphone installed. Connect via Bluetooth or Aux- The volume level is set by us to an acceptable level for you to enjoy. Music must go off at 9pm- Our staff will enter the venue to do this.->
9. Consumption of Alcohol not permitted anywhere on site
10. Please ensure all guests respect the surroundings including our neighbours. Revving cars and speeding in the carpark is not allowed
11. As we based in a residential area our finish time is strictly 9pm- we will not allow for extra time. Our staff will enter the venue for clean-up- lighting and music will need to be switched off. All guests must have exited the premises for 9.30pm- the gates will be locked at 9.35pm- please all guests have left by then. Carpark lighting will also go off 9.30- on a timer.
10. As we based in a residential area our finish time is strictly 9pm- we will not allow for extra time. Our staff will enter the venue for clean-up- lighting and music will need to be switched off. All guests must have exited the premises for 9.30pm- the gates will be locked at 9.35pm- please all guests have left by then. Carpark lighting will also go off 9.30- on a timer.
Please let us know you if you wanted to visit. We welcome visitors.
Best Wishes Pickwick Hall/Luxury Marquee Hire